Sunday, May 15, 2022

Crossing West Point

The title doesn't say much, but West Point is a peninsula in Seattle with a lighthouse, right on the cape of the Magnolia district. As I did today, when I go around the point from the south beach to the north, I think of this as a kind of passage. I try to go into the water for a swim at or before the middle right where the lighthouse is. It's as if I were somehow undergoing a baptism to purify myself for passage to that other side (a symbolism like the Jordan).

Once I'm on the north side, off in the distance I can see Golden Gardens park NE of there. Often when I'm at Golden Gardens I look across and see the lighthouse at West Point. But how here's the lighthouse nearer and solider than ever. The walk along the north shore contains a lot of flashbacks, mainly because I've been through there so many times.

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